Friday 1 July 2016



I am sure you've had a experience of walking out your front door barefoot on flagstone or blacktop on a warm day, and your feet feeling a burning sensation within seconds.the air can feel quite comfortable, in the high 70's to 80 degree fahrenheit ,yet the sun-drenched pavement is scorching to the bottoms of our feet. we run inside to get sandals or flip-flops before walking out on hot cement again.
the pads of a dog's paws offer some  protection against the heat of pavement, but very often that natural protection is not enough.

this can happen to your dog to so please check the floor before making your dog walk on it..
steps you should follow:
1. make your dog exercise early in the morning.
   As temperature during this  time is low  so its easy for you and for your dog to walk easily.
2use doggy boots..
  It will help protect him from hot surfaces. you can find this nearly to your home at pet store.
3.  check for dehydration
  Different breeds have different needs.Dark coats absorb more heat as compared to light coat so they need more water.Take a water bottle when going for a walk and its recommended make your dog carry water bottle for you in backpack.
4. never leave your dog outside in the closed car.

5.spray water 
Make sure to spray the paws and stomach, not just the top of the dog, when spraying it with water. A wet towel does more good on the bottom of your dog than when laid on the top of its coat.
6. check sign for dehydration
    if there eyes are reddish or pale and lift there skin and check its taking longer time then usual  to go back to original place.


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